The Applied Cartooning Lab will be tabling at the Nonfiction Comics Fest in Burlington, and we’ll have all our graphic guides on hand (and staffed by AC Lab director James Sturm). Come say hi!
This year’s poster was made by the Applied Cartooning Lab contributor and CCS Faculty member Dan Nott.
The Fest’s special guests include a wide variety of cartoonists working in nonfiction comics, including Vermont Cartoonist Laureate Tillie Walden ’16, Keith Knight of the K Chronicles, Janet Biehl, CCS faculty and alum Stephen R. Bissette, James Sturm, Jarad Greene ’17, Jason Lutes, Natalie Norris ’20, Dan Nott ’18, and Robyn Smith ’17, as well as Matt Bors, Rachel Lindsay, and Bill Tulp. There will also be a keynote presentation titled “Hey Kids, Vermonters in the Comics! A Conversation with Stephen R. Bissette and Rick Veitch.”
Special Guests and creators who are scheduled to sign in the Local History Room with Phoenix Books as follows:
11:30: Stephen R. Bissette
12:30: Tillie Walden (VT cartoonist laureate!!)
1:30: Jason Lutes
2:30: James Sturm
3:30: James Kochalka (VT cartoonist laureate!!)
4:30: Robyn Smith
This is the second annual Non-Fiction Comics Festival (NFCF) features panel discussions, workshops, and exhibiting cartoonists creating non-fiction and autobiographical work. From science to politics, history to health care, cartooning has exploded as a legitimate medium for exploring non-fiction topics and the textures of lived experience.
Panels and workshops scheduled through the weekend include a Resiliency Narratives workshop by Natalie Norris ’20, and a special all-ages workshop Paws And Puns: An Animal Comics Workshop with Coco Fox ’19 and Annabel Driussi ’23, to name a few! For a complete schedule of talks and workshops, visit: