Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the System We Use Every Day, a debut nonfiction graphic novel by Dan Nott, was Longlisted for a National Book Award in Young People’s Literature. You can read the announcement at The New Yorker.
Dan is in involved in many Applied Cartooning projects, including as the lead cartoonist on two graphic guides and providing editorial feedback on others. Dan worked as graphic note taker during the 2018 Graphic Medicine Conference, hosted by CCS, and contributed a comic to A Cartoonist Veteran Project: A Whole Lifetime of Firsts. He is currently working with the Applied Cartooning Lab to develop its range of services and as a contributing artist. Hidden Systems began as his thesis project while he was an MFA student at the Center for Cartoon Studies.
The announcement notes: “Other books on the longlist elucidate complex historical and scientific events. “Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day,”… explores the origins and environmental impact of intricate structures underpinning society.